Greetings from the Goracle!
ht: Right Wing News
"I'm not gonna let this economy crater in order to preserve the free market system."Can't shake that eerie feeling of déjà vu? There's probably a good reason.
~ George W. Bush, Fox News, interview with Bret Baier
Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
~ George Santayana, Reason in Common Sense
Researchers from Japan’s ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories have developed new brain analysis technology that can reconstruct the images inside a person’s mind and display them on a computer monitor...This sort of "mind reading" technology has fantastic potential for fields ranging from neurology to psychiatry. However, there are dour implications for its use in the hands of the irresponsibly wealthy e.g. governments.
Subjects were shown 400 random 10 x 10 pixel black-and-white images for a period of 12 seconds each. While the fMRI machine monitored the changes in brain activity, a computer crunched the data and learned to associate the various changes in brain activity with the different image designs.
Then, when the test subjects were shown a completely new set of images, such as the letters N-E-U-R-O-N, the system was able to reconstruct and display what the test subjects were viewing based solely on their brain activity.
full article
Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan has surged to the lead among Democrats on the list of favorites to take Barack Obama’s place in the U.S. Senate at the expense of Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., whose image clearly has suffered in the growing Blagojevich scandal.I don't know if Lisa Madigan aspires to become the junior senator from Illinois. But given the animosity between Blagojevich and the Madigans, it's not very likely that he would appoint her to replace Obama. She would have a much better chance of getting that seat with Lt. Governor Quinn or via a special election.
Thirty-two percent (32%) of Illinois Democrats now say Madigan should be named to the seat vacated by Obama, the state’s junior Democratic senator, according to a Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Illinois voters taken Wednesday night.
It wasn't a very impressive protest when it was tried on behalf of illegal aliens. As I recall, that protest actually reduced their influence by demonstrating that the ones who stayed home were really not needed!
If tomorrow's protest has any effect, it's not likely to be the one that its organizers intend.
On Thursday they lit the Washington Monument for the Christmas season. This was my view of the ceremony.
My thanks to the management of the Peabody Court hotel for allowing me the use of a room to photograph this.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The original Greek term translated as ‘word’ was ‘logos’ – more accurately – thought, word and reason rolled into one. What is commonly translated as ‘with’ in the second clause was ‘sun’ in the original Greek. This may also be thought of as instrumentality by association.
Thus, a more appropriate rendering of John 1:1 might be:
In the beginning was the trinity of thought, word and reason, and this (thought and word with reason) was the instrumentality of God, and the trinity of thought word and reason was God.
The elements of logos became disassociated long ago. This may have been due (at least in part) to a desire to make the language less harsh than the daily lives of the people at the time.
Unfortunately, euphemistic language has proven to be a double edged sword. While such linguistic distortion can make life’s un-pleasantries a little less so, it also allows people to present the detrimental as desirable.
Accordingly, I do not subscribe to many of the euphemisms that are in common use today. For instance, I do not use public as a synonym for government nor refer to gender when I mean sex. I will generally use linguistic distortions only to help enhance or clarify a concept -- not to deceive!