Saturday, December 13, 2008

Addendum: Ill AG v. Gov.

I thought that the following item from Rasmussen Reports might have some bearing on the soap opera that's developing in Illinois.
Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan has surged to the lead among Democrats on the list of favorites to take Barack Obama’s place in the U.S. Senate at the expense of Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., whose image clearly has suffered in the growing Blagojevich scandal.

Thirty-two percent (32%) of Illinois Democrats now say Madigan should be named to the seat vacated by Obama, the state’s junior Democratic senator, according to a Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Illinois voters taken Wednesday night.
I don't know if Lisa Madigan aspires to become the junior senator from Illinois. But given the animosity between Blagojevich and the Madigans, it's not very likely that he would appoint her to replace Obama. She would have a much better chance of getting that seat with Lt. Governor Quinn or via a special election.

Connect the dots as you see them.

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