Saturday, December 20, 2008

Meterse en Honduras

Click to enlargeIn what appears to be a misguided attempt to promote themselves as one of the most politically correct firms in Baltimore, Schochor, Federico and Staton, P.A. have portrayed themselves as one of the most patently offensive.

It's obvious that they're not overly concerned about those who believe that it's inappropriate to encourage illegal immigration. So what's so bad about this holiday display?

Lets start with the improper display of the Mexican flags. How much respect can you really have for the eagle when you put him on his back?

Next there's the "Season's Greetings" sign below the windows. In what appears to be a dismissal of Christianity, instead of wishing "¡Feliz Navid!", they opted to superimpose "Felizes Fiestas" on the pyramid at Chichén Itzá. It's as if they expect Mexicans to be more likely to celebrate Kukúlcan than Jesus and Mary.

And I'm not quite sure what to make of the fact that the display is exclusively Mexican. Is this a racist assumption that all Hispanics are Mexican, or are they just discriminating against those who are not?

At best this is a case of cultural negligence! But what makes this especially egregious is that the lion's share of their income comes from generating contempt for those that they accuse of negligence.

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