Friday, December 12, 2008

Sentence first - verdict afterwards.

The Illinois AG, Lisa Madigan, wants to fire her boss. In an unprecedented move she filed a motion for a Temporary Restraining Order against Gov. Blagojevich in the Supreme Court of Illinois. She asserts that the Governor should be effectively removed from office because he was "charged with conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud and solicitation of bribery." In doing this she is attempting to get the court to pass sentence on a man who has not yet been convicted while suborning the executive branch to the judicial!

I have to wonder how much of this Red Queen style display of juris-hubris is influenced by the on-going feud between her father and Blagojevich.

Blago may be a total sleaze-bag who should be removed from office, but the court is not the appropriate venue for remedy! Only the people (via recall) or their elected representatives (via impeachment) have that authority in a democratic republic. To have those in elective office serve at the pleasure of the unelected would set an horrific precedent likely to be the death knell for democracy.

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