Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas to all...

Click to see where this Santa came from.
Or happy Hanukkah if you prefer. Even "Io Saturnalia" is preferable (considering that that was the origin of many of our Christmas customs) to the greeting "happy holidays". That generic greeting is just a bit too cold and impersonal for my liking.

There are many who assume that people opt for "happy holidays" from a malevolence toward all things Christian. I believe that it's more likely to be CYA — a symptom of the predatory nature of political correctness.

They don't want to risk expressing a personal sentiment from a fear that it could offend someone who just might be different. In the PC world this exposes you to suffer the wrath of the offended. I tend to pity anyone who is subjected to the paranoid existence of leftist codes of conduct.

So when someone greets you with "happy holidays" — I believe that it's kindest to respond with a warmer, more personal alternative.

...and to all a good night!

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